miR169o and ZmNF-YA13 act in concert to coordinate the expression of ZmYUC1 that determines seed size and weight in maize kernels


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play key regulatory rolesinseeddevelopment and emerge as new key targets for engineering grainsizeand yield.TheZma-miRNA169 family is highly expressed duringmaizeseeddevelopment, but its functional rolesinseeddevelopment remain elusive. Here, we generated zma-miR169oandZmNF-YA13transgenic plants. Phenotypic and genetic analyses were performed on these lines.Seeddevelopment and auxins contents were investigated. OverexpressionofmaizemiRNA zma-miR169oincreasesseedsizeandweight, whereastheopposite is true when itsexpressionis suppressed. Further studies revealedthatzma-miR169 acts by negatively regulating its target gene, a transcription factorZmNF-YA13thatalso plays a key roleindeterminingseedsize. We demonstratethatZmNF-YA13regulatestheexpressionoftheauxin biosynthetic geneZmYUC1, which modulates auxin levelsintheearly developing seeds anddeterminesthenumberofendosperm cells, thereby governingmaizeseedsizeand ultimately yield. Overall, our present study has identified zma-miR169oandZmNF-YA13thatform a functional module regulating auxin accumulationinmaizeseeds and playing an important roleindeterminingmaizeseedsizeand yield, providing a setofnovel molecular tools for yield improvementinmolecular breeding and genetic engineering.
