1998.09-2001.07 内蒙古农业大学作物遗传育种专业硕士学位
2001.09-2004.07 北京林业大学植物学专业博士学位
2004.07-2009.12 中国农科院生物所助理研究员
2010.01-2022.04 中国农科院生物所副研究员,课题组长
2022.05-至今 中国农科院生物所研究员
2015.04-2015.07 摩洛哥国家农业研究所访问学者
2017.09-2018.10 加拿大农业部渥太华研究中心访问学者
2022.02-2023.02 中共中央组织部 共青团第22批博士服务团挂职新疆农业科学院粮食作物研究所副所长。

主要从事作物功能基因组及遗传改良研究,在作物抗逆(抗旱、耐盐、养分)早熟分子机制及遗传调控网络研究中取得进展。作为主持人或任务负责人获得国家自然科学基金,国家科技计划课题(“863”),国家科技支撑项目,转基因专项,国家重点研发计划项目支持共计10项;新疆自治区科技支疆项目1项,新疆自治区“天池英才”引进计划项目1项;内蒙古自治区“揭榜挂帅”项目任务1项,育种联合攻关课题1项。参加国家燕麦荞麦产业技术体系1项。发表科研论文34篇,其中SCI 20篇;第一发明人授权专利3项;受邀作国际学术大会分会报告1次。
1. Weiwei Xu, …Junying Wang*, Changzhong Ren*. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Drought-Responsive Pathways and Key Genes of Two Oat ( Avena sativa) Varieties.Plants (Basel), 2024, 13(2):177.
2. Qiang Wang, …Junying Wang*, Laichun Guo. The Physiological Mechanism of Melatonin Enhancing theTolerance of Oat Seedlings under Saline–Alkali Stress. Agronomy, 2023, 13: 2343.
3. Qiang Wang, …Junying Wang*,Laichun Guo*. Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of ExogenousMelatonin Regulation of Saline–Alkali Tolerance in Oats. Agronomy, 2023, 13: 1327.
4. Jianping Guo, Shijie Li, Junying Wang*, Junping Wang*. Dual-mode sensing of biomarkers based on nano 3D Cu-Flo.@AuNPs-electrocatalyzed oxidation of glucose inducing in-situ H2O2-generation system. Biosens Bioelectron, 2022, 198:113820. (TOP/12.545)
5. Jingxuan Guo, Lizhi Long, Anle Chen, Xiaonan Dong, Zhipeng Liu, Limei Chen,Junying Wang, Lixing Yuan. Tonoplast-localized transporter ZmNRAMP2 confersroot-to-shoot translocation of manganese in maize. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 2022, 190: 2601-2616. (Q1/8.005)
6. Jianping Guo, Shijie Li, Junying Wang*, Junping Wang*. Dual-recognition immune-co-chemical ECL-sensor based on Ti, Mg@N-CDs-induced and novel signal-sensing units Poly (DVB-co-PBA)-reported for alpha-fetoprotein detection. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 346:130548. (TOP/7.46)
7. XiaoDong Liang, Mohamed Shalapy, ShiFeng Zhao, JingHui Liu*, JunYing Wang*. A stress-responsive transcription factor PeNAC1 regulating beta-d-glucan biosynthetic genes enhances salt tolerance in oat. Planta, 2021, 254(6):130. (Q1/4.116)
8. Yanan Li#, Junying Wang#, Shuo Wang, Junping Wang. Rolling Circle Amplification Based Colorimetric Determination of Staphylococcus Aureus. Mikrochim Acta, 2020,187(2):119. (Q1/5.833)
9. Zhao X, Cui Y, Wang J*, Wang J*. Preparation of Fluorescent Molecularly Imprinted Polymers via Pickering Emulsion Interfaces and the Application for Visual Sensing Analysis of Listeria Monocytogenes. Polymers (Basel), 2019, 11(6): 984. (Q1/3.426)
10. Wang J, Wang Y, Guo X, Wang P, Zhao T, Wang J*. Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometric determination of benzo[a]pyrene using a MIL-101(Fe) matrix. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(3): 175. (Q1/5.479)
11. Wang JY*, Wang JP*, Yang HF. Identification and functional characterization of the NAC gene promoter from Populus euphratica. Planta, 2016, 244(2): 417-27. (Q1/3.361)
1. 王俊英, 陈范骏.玉米生长素应答因子ZmARF21基因及其应用, ZL201610461477.9
2. 王俊英, 王俊平. 转基因玉米次生代谢物的HPLC-MS/MS检测方法, ZL201610460995.9
3. 王俊英,梁晓东,赵世峰,刘景辉,任长忠.一种耐盐燕麦新种质的创制方法,ZL202110679462.0