Publications: 1.Xu Y., Zhou T., Zhang S., Espinosa-Artiles P., Wang L., Zhang W., Lin M., Gunatilaka A.A., Zhan J., and Molnár I. (2014). Diversity-oriented combinatorial biosynthesis of benzenediol lactone scaffolds by subunit shuffling of fungal polyketide synthases.ProcNatlAcadSci U S A111, 12354-12359.
2.Xu Y., Zhou T., Zhou Z., Su S., Roberts S.A., Montfort W.R., Zeng J., Chen M., Zhang W., Lin M., Zhan J., and Molnár I. (2013). Rational reprogramming of fungal polyketide first-ring cyclization.ProcNatlAcadSci U S A 110, 5398-5403.
3.Xu Y., Zhou T., Zhang S., Xuan L.J., Zhan J., and Molnár I. (2013). Thioesterase domains of fungal nonreducingpolyketide synthases act as decision gates during combinatorial biosynthesis.J Am Chem Soc. 135, 10783-10791.
4.Xu Y., Zhou T., Espinosa-Artiles P., Tang Y., Zhan J., and Molnár I. (2014).Insights into the biosynthesis of 12-membered resorcylic acid lactones from heterologous production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.ACS ChemBiol9, 1119-1127.
5.Xu Y., Espinosa-Artiles P., Schubert V., Xu Y.M., Zhang W., Lin M., Gunatilaka A.A., Süssmuth R., and Molnár I. (2013). Characterization of the biosynthetic genes for 10,11-dehydrocurvularin, a heat shock response-modulating anticancer fungal polyketide from Aspergillusterreus.Appl Environ Microbiol79, 2038-2047.