![]() E-mail:niulifang@caas.cn。
Research Area: Plant molecular genetics Publications: 1 Niu L, Lin H, Zhang F, Watira TW, Li G, Tang Y, Wen J, Ratet P, Mysore KS, Tadege M. LOOSE FLOWER, a WUSCHEL-like Homeobox gene, is required for lateral fusion of floral organs in Medicago truncatula. Plant Journal. 2015 Feb;81(3):480-92.
2. Lin H#, Niu L#, McHale NA, Ohme-Takagi M, Mysore KS, Tadege M. Evolutionarily conserved repressive activity of WOX proteins mediates leaf blade outgrowth and floral organ development in plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jan; 2; 110(1):366-71. (#co-first author)
3. Niu L, Lu F, Zhao T, Liu C, Cao X. The enzymatic activity of Arabidopsis protein arginine methyltransferase 10 is essential for flowering time regulation. Protein Cell. 2012 Jun; 3(6):450-9.
4. Tadege M, Lin H, Bedair M, Berbel A, Wen J, Rojas CM, Niu L, Tang Y, Sumner L, Ratet P, McHale NA, Madueño F, Mysore KS. STENOFOLIA regulates blade outgrowth and leaf vascular patterning in Medicago truncatula and Nicotiana sylvestris. The Plant Cell. 2011 Jun; 23: 2125-42.
5. Reddy BD, Wang Y, Niu L, Higuchi EC, Marguerat SB, Bähler J, Smith GR, Jia S. Elimination of a specific histone H3K14 acetyltransferase complex bypasses the RNAi pathway to regulate pericentric heterochromatin functions. Genes & Development. 2011 Feb; 1; 25(3):214-9.
6. Niu L, Zhang Y, Pei Y, Liu C, Cao X. Redundant Requirement for a Pair of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 4 Homologs for the Proper Regulation of Arabidopsis Flowering Time. Plant Physiology. 2008 Sep; 148(1): 490-503.
7. Niu L, Lu F, Pei Y, Liu C, Cao X. Regulation of Flowering Time by a Protein Arginine Methyltransferase AtPRMT10. EMBO Report. 2007 Dec; 8(12):1190-5.
8. Pei Y#, Niu L#, Lu F#, Liu C#, Zhai J, Kong X, Cao X. Mutations in the Type II protein arginine methyltransferase AtPRMT5 result in pleiotropic developmental defects in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 2007 Aug; 144(4):1913-23. (# Co-first authors)
9. Yan D, Zhang Y, Niu L, Yuan Y, Cao X. Identification and characterization of two closely related histone H4 arginine 3 methyltransferases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochemical Journal. 2007 Nov; 408(1):113-21.
10. Deng W, Liu C, Pei Y, Deng X, Niu L, Cao X. Involvement of the Histone Acetyltransferase AtHAC1 in the Regulation of Flowering Time via Repression of FLOWERING LOCUS C in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 2007 Apr; 143(4):1660-8.